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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Senior Friendly Computing Series: 5 Barriers to Senior Internet Use

For many Seniors and their loved ones, Quality of Life is the "bottom-line" objective. We propose that the internet is intimately involved in accomplishing and maintaining that goal. Seniors use computer and internet technologies at relatively low rates. Unique personal barriers make adopting technologies challenging.
This is the third article in the "Senior Friendly Computing" series. Its focus is on the 5 Barriers to Senior Internet Use: Physical, Mental, Psychological, Technical and Social.
1) Physical influences
Age related wear and tear or the influence of disease processes result in general slowing of nearly all physical functions. US Census reports detail 59% of the 65+ group and 35% of the 80+ group are internet users while greater than 50% of the 65+ population have disabilities, handicaps or chronic illnesses limiting participation in the Information Age. Sensory functions are frequently compromised. Those relevant sensory functions include: vision (ie. Macular Degeneration), hearing (progressive deafness), and touch. Motor deficits involve posture requirements and physical access to the computer (Arthritis, Osteoporosis, degenerative processes, and spinal deformities).
2) Mental influences
Cognitive functions include memory, language, thinking, socialization, and emotions. There are several designations for varying levels of the "Senior moment". Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Age Related Cognitive Decline (ARCD) are examples. According to the Alzheimer's Association, "Dementia is not a specific disease. It's an overall term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person's ability to perform everyday activities. Alzheimer's accounts for 60 to 80 percent of cases. Vascular Dementia, which occurs after a stroke, is the second most common cause." Other common causes include Parkinson's, Huntington's, HIV, MS, etc. Chronic illnesses may present with reversible cognitive compromise like Diabetes, Thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies. Wide variation in cognitive function may compromise memory, information processing, understanding and following instructions, also task completion.
3) Psychological influences
Here are several psychological reasons: a) Lack of understanding or knowledge about the uses and the value of the internet b) The perception of insurmountable difficulty and interface complexity c) Illiteracy and a steep learning curve d) Fear and apprehension about failure, change, abuse, reputation damage, security violations, and loss of autonomy e) Common Senior concerns are: I'm too old to learn, I'm unfamiliar with the hardware and software, I've no contact with other users, and only kids use the internet so I avoid social media f) Some Seniors have general discomfort with all digital technologies (computers, GPS, phones, readers, blue-tooth, etc.) g) Unclear motive/benefit: no reason for use, no social motive, no relevance, lack of measurable returns, delayed or prolonged period to benefit h) General resistance to: all new technologies, intrusive/invasive monitoring, required learning and adaptation i) Eccentricities.
4) Technical influences
Technical support should be human, friendly, willing, patient and accessible always. Support availability is a major decision factor for many Digital Seniors. The industry has evolved to implement Senior friendly modifications involving the keyboard, mouse, web access, and internet visibility. Emphasis is applied to restrict unwanted emails, make internet access easier by avoiding passwords yet maintaining security, advancing touch screen features which includes one touch video conferencing. Continuous computer change remains constant. This time it's for the better.
5) Social influences
Frequent internet users who are 65+ are called "Digital Seniors". Cost of purchase, maintenance, repair, and upgrades of hardware/software pose a major obstacle to many Seniors due to fixed incomes. Need and relevance are important variables in establishing an adequate return on investment. Availability of free computers and internet is restricted in rural settings. Access to free computers/internet and public transport plus handicap accessible services seem easier in metropolitan areas. Digital Seniors are frequently found where there is family support especially with younger family computer users. It's important to recognize that certain cultures are biased against computer and internet technology.
These are the major challenges to Senior well-being: memory deficit, social isolation, mobility compromise (personal movement and transportation), and declining ability for task performance. These 5 Barriers to Senior Internet Use deprive the "Silent Generation" of the advantages and benefits of internet based technologies. The next article in the "Senior Friendly Computing" series will address the many benefits of the internet which enhance that well-being.
V V S researches and discusses the vital relationship between Seniors and the internet in a series of informational articles titled Senior Friendly Computing. Pertinent topics include: statistics, barriers and benefits, who uses and who doesn't, favorite reasons for Senior use, safety tips, industry modification, and helpful information resources. This article, 5 Barriers to Senior Internet Use, identifies physical, mental, psychological, technical and social challenges that limit access to "the world in a box" for today's Digital Seniors. Our goal is to highlight trends between Seniors and the Internet while promoting access to all. Let V V S help improve Senior well-being for you and yours. V V S is a product of http://www.HealthcareWebconferencing.com. Visit http://www.thevvs.net, Contact info@thevvs.net or 866-717-6188.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8814934

Friday, November 28, 2014

HP Power Cord: Why You Should Buy The Appropriate Product

When it comes to your Compaq Presario or HP Pavilion Laptop PC, you may not appreciate the true price of an authentic HP power cord, but the guaranties on these products depend on the use of authorized parts and accessories. It is obvious that you cannot use just any power rope and get identical results as the HP power twine for your portable computer contains the AC adapter power unit that's required for charging your battery. The electric current flow depends upon the HP power wire and the AC adapter power unit or the "power brick". This system is essential to the correct operation of your Compaq Presario laptop PC or HP Pavilion laptop model. 

It is important to have the proper HP power wire and powering brick when you are contemplating the issues with powering your laptop PC and the ability of the battery to hold a charge. Apart from charging your battery, the unit provides stable flow of power that keeps the elements inside your PC from experiencing power surges and further damage or info corruption. You wouldn't need your portable to be affected by power rises and only the proper HP power twine can be relied on. 

It is perilous to accept inexpensive imitations of these accessories, and if your laptop PC is still under guaranty, it is very important that you only use the proper power wire. With the employment of a different powering option, the battery might not recharge correctly and you will spend at least $150 to replace the battery, but that isn't solve your problem. It is cheaper option to replace the power twine and AC adapter first since they are less than half the price of the battery. If you know where to look you can save even more. Often, they will be cheaper if acquired online . 

It is important to learn the seriousness of authentic power twine to your computer's operation. Voiding your laptop's guaranty would possibly not be the sole problem, you may also cause damage to your vital info because of power spikes. If you are having battery charge lifespan Problems with your laptop, it might not be the battery but the power twine that is the culprit you are able to save a lot of money and bother by replacing this part first. 

Battery life-span depends upon how much you use battery power, but it is normally predicted to continuously wear down after a year or 2. If you are having issues with recharging the battery, the difficulty may lie on the HP power cord or the AC adapter power unit. There may also be a problem with the power jack in your personal computer, that part requires disassembly of your laptop and should only be performed by a Hewlett-Packard authorized fix center. In most situations, you can solve your difficulties by ordering a replacement HP power twine, this could save lots of cost and bother. 

You can check out several online stores for the perfect product for your HP laptop. Make sure you have the right one before plugging your device in.

by: Ethan Hewitt - http://www.articlecity.com
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